I am rich! I am rich with love from my students! I rich with smiles from my students who feel good about what they are learning! I am rich with questions from my inquisitive students who want to know as much as possible! I am rich with thank you's from parents, students, and strangers who know my heart and soul is in this job!
I am not rich with money! As a teacher I make $1000 each month over minimum wage. This may sound like a lot but when you have a family and you spend about $250 each month on your classroom $1000 doesn't seem like a lot. In NC we have been frozen and money is short for schools. I am determined to not let this trickle down to my students! They struggle at home and shouldn't at school.
In order to provide the best for my students I have turned to the most amazing resource for teachers! The website is www.DonorsChoose.org. As a teach you write grants to ask for resources that you need for your classroom. Now don't let that word grant scare you. It isn't like you think, you basically tell your story. Share your ambitions and your expectations for your students. Share with donors why you want these resources and how it will impact your students! This is important because donors want to help. They want to see their money reach the children. Once your grant is funded you take some pictures and have your students write thank you notes. Send all that back and your done! The best part is you are also teaching your students to be thankful for things and how to show thanks through letters!
This website has changed me as a teacher! I am inspired to reach for the best lesson possible because I know I can get the resources. I am not a screener for DonorsChoose which means I read teacher grants and decide if they meet criteria! This has been a great experience because I get so many amazing ideas!